Landscape photography in black and white starts before the shot is even taken. Here are some tips on what to look for to ensure the ideal landscape in black and white.
* As in any landscape, the detail in the foreground makes a good composition. Compose the image so that there is something interesting in the foreground in the scene to assist and leads the viewer through the eyes of the entire image.
* Light is one of the most important landscapes in black and white. You must ensure that there is another area of brightness. For example, look for well-defined shadows, in contrast to the bright areas (not overexposed).
* The clouds are great, but make sure they do not cover the sun. After all, the sun is what makes the area different from the light above.
* Learn to see the landscape as a series of tones rather than colors. The more you practice photography in black and white, the easier it will be. For example, does not take long to learn that the cloudless blue sky, will result in a tonic gray area. This is perfect for a photo in color, often can have a negative impact on the landscape in black and white.
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